Monday, August 20, 2012

Cantaloupe with salmonella again...

Here we have the poor cantaloupe having this bad bacteria again.  What is going on?  It seems that we are seeing the salmonella bacteria more then ever before.  When I was growing up you never heard of this bacteria;  Unless they hid it from us or they just didn't know what it was.  It would seem that with all this technology we have today these types of bacteria could be found before being shipped to the stores.  It appears that the government needs to add a bunch more inspectors.  Will this happen, probably not!  How many people have to get sick and possibly die before they do something?  It's just like when you need a traffic light at an intersection, so many people have to be injured or killed before they will install a light.  Does this make any sense to anyone?  I hope not, we are talking about lives here young and old.